What to Expect in The First Months of Having a Puppy

So, you’ve got yourself a brand new, four-legged, bundle of joy. Congratulations. The next few months are going to be full of love and memorable experiences with your new puppy. But, it’s also going to be a lot of work too dog grooming. The first three months of owning a puppy are very important times, and there is much you will need to do in order for your puppy to grow into a happy and healthy dog. So, what responsibilities does a new pet owner have to contend with? Well, let’s talk about that.

Training and Exploration

our new puppy’s brain is at its peak during these young months. They absorb everything that they experience, like a sponge. That being said, these first few months are crucial for their development. You should allow your puppy to explore new things, encourage them to be curious, and of course, you should start training them to follow whatever rules you put down.

Potty Training

Take them outside frequently, to do their business, then reward them whenever they eliminate outdoors. Avoid scolding them if they are eliminated in the house. Scolding will only scare them or confuse them and it can actually hinder their learning process, rather than encourage it. You’ll often read about rubbing their nose in their mess to teach them that it’s unacceptable, but this is a very poor method of training. Showing your puppy that you are happy when they go outside will be more than enough encouragement for them, and with time, they will learn to go outside, instead of indoors.


Try to remember that If you don’t want them to play with certain things or chew on certain things, take the object from them and replace it with one of their toys or a chewy bone instead. It’s understandable that sometimes you will grow irritated when they chew on things they shouldn’t. It’s a bummer when your puppy ruins a nice pair of shoes. But as mad as you might be with your puppy, do not scold or get angered at them. Puppies do not understand the anger and they will not learn in healthy ways from this method. Reward and encourage them when they chew on their own things. Your puppy will love being rewarded and encouraged. They feel happy knowing that their owner is happy too.

Teaching Tricks

Perhaps you’ll want to teach your puppy some fun tricks. The best time to teach them is within the 3 month mark. Teaching them simple commands can take some time and repetition, but they’ll enjoy learning and they will be fairly quick to catch on if a tasty snack or belly rub is a reward.


Another aspect you absolutely want to focus on is socializing your puppy. When a puppy is young, it can become very excited and jump up on people or even playfully nibble. Then, there is also dealing with other dogs as well. Getting used to new surroundings can be scary, uncertain, and unusual for them. Patience is a must and so is getting them familiar with other humans and other dogs. Take them to dog parks to help socialize them, enroll them in a doggy training course, or visit a friend’s house who has a dog that wouldn’t mind some company. The quicker you get your puppy used to other people and other dogs, the safer they will feel. They will also grow to not be leery of others, which can be a wonderful asset when they’re older. It can be difficult if your puppy grows into a big dog that doesn’t get along with other people or with other dogs. It can make social events stressful for you, your guests, and even your dog. So, getting them used to lots of outside exposure is very healthy.

Health Care

The first few months of a puppy’s life is going to require a lot of vet visits! You should consider getting them spayed or neutered, they’ll need a few different shots, and they’ll also need preventative medications for fleas and heartworm. And this is just if everything is normal and your puppy is healthy. Jumping on these medical issues quickly and keeping them up to date is crucial for the longevity of your pet’s life. Good health care is required all throughout their lives and should always be kept up to date.


So, this is what to expect during the first few months of your new puppy’s life. Try to remember patience. Little puppies do not learn as we do and sometimes it can take a long time for them to understand something or learn a new rule. It will take encouragement, repetition, and lots of love and understanding. But, you will make some beautiful memories together and there really is nothing sweeter than that bond between a person and their puppy. Congratulations on the newest furry member of your family, and good luck.

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