Nursing Home Injury – Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Thousands of seniors sustain a nursing home injury every year, Nursing Home Injury – Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Articles and many are due to abuse and neglect. An abuser frequently targets a person they believe is susceptible or weak and a nursing home resident is unfortunately a common target. If you believe your loved may possibly be being abused or is suffering harm due to neglect, immediately contact a Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer to help you investigate the claim and prevent further harm to your loved one Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer.

In general, malpractice in a nursing home can be broken down into two different categories: negligence and abuse. Abuse might include physical abuse such as in the case of a caregiver hitting or restraining a victim. Nursing home injury can also include psychological, verbal or sexual abuse as well as overmedicating a senior. Neglect in a nursing home takes place when an elder does not receive proper treatment and nourishment to maintain their health. Lack of water or food, poor personal hygiene and failure to provide proper supervision may all play a role in a nursing home resident’s declining health. Watch for signs that include soiled linens, unexplained bruising and injuries, poor hygiene, behavioral changes, malnutrition, dehydration, overmedication and a “drugged” appearance, signs of physical restraint, withdrawn nature and more.

Some abusers are extremely skilled at intimidation tactics and may threaten to further hurt the victim or their family should the victim report them. Being extremely vigilant about your elder’s care and staying on the lookout for withdrawn behavior is extremely important. If a staff member always attempts to be present during all of your visits, this should alert you to a potential issue. A Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer knows the legal channels in which to request medical reports and documentation and how to investigate the nursing home, staff backgrounds, hiring procedures, training procedures, past complaints against the nursing home and more. In addition they understand the reporting process for nursing home injury and abuse in California and will take swift action to ensure neglect and abuses are immediately stopped.

A Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer provides a free consultation and will explain how the laws apply and how you can hold the nursing home accountable for your loved one’s injuries, both physical and psychological. Your lawyer will help your loved one recover money for damages and losses related to their neglect or abuse. Call NOW for your confidential, no obligation consultation.