5 Practical Tips for a Happy Life

Stop for a moment and ask yourself a small important question. When was the last time in your life you felt happy and what was the reason? Many people’s answer to this question is related to events such as a vacation, a big purchase, an important social event, a romantic activity with their spouse, etc. Of course, we would all like to feel happy more often, however, in wanting this, feelings of happiness should not be related to specific events or happenings. The benefits of being happy are clear, now all you have to do is implement the following 5 tips to help you be happier and get the most out of your life Kambo Practitioner.

1. Discover what makes you feel true happiness
If you are reading these words, it is perfectly clear that you want your future to be as good and happy as possible. Therefore, before doing anything else, you must truly understand the things that make you happy. We’re not talking about money, good food, gifts, trips or anything like that. Almost everyone enjoys these things, and if the secret to achieving true happiness was so simple, we wouldn’t see so many depressed people around us. To help you identify what makes you feel truly happy, you can define true happiness as the feeling of being able to enjoy a positive mood for a long time (rather than instant gratification), maintaining motivation and determination to the goals that move you, and as something that makes you much more resistant to anxiety and depression. True happiness, you see, is not just a momentary feeling created by shopping, physical pleasures or a good movie, but it is a valuable tool that you need in your life.

So how do you identify the things that make you feel true happiness? Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this, but there are definitely some tools that can help you discover what things help you feel truly happy. Your friends can be a tool; If you talk to them about the things that help them overcome motivational crises, you can get a glimpse into their inner world and the things that make them feel something deeper than momentary gratification. The closer these friends are and the more similar they are to you, the more likely it is that the things that help them will also help you. Another tool is your childhood because, despite all the changes you’ve made since then, the things you still remember as positive experiences from that period have remained steadfast in your brain for a reason. It is possible that these things can help you improve your life, so you should remember your past and see how you can reconstruct these memories, or at least part of them, in your current life. And finally, just try to incorporate a new experience of one kind or another into your life regularly each week. Only by investigating and trying little by little will you be able to know yourself, discover your passions and find that way of living more fully with all the elements and favorite people that make you happy around you. The actions and activities you would like to do are probably related at some level to meeting the needs that will ensure a happy future.

2. Find your core values
Most people don’t spend enough time thinking about their core values, and this is true for people in their 20s, 40s, and even 60s. Despite this fact, the values ​​by which we conduct our lives can certainly change over the years, and not everything we defined as important 10 years ago is as important to us today. Just as its name indicates, these values ​​are the basis of our progress in life, and if they are not defined and clear, then we behave like a car without a steering wheel; If we press the accelerator, we will certainly move forward, but it is not certain that we are moving in the right direction for us. Experts estimate that many people who experience a midlife crisis get into these situations because they did not formulate basic values ​​in their early years, and as mentioned above, it is also worth doing so regularly from time to time.

So far so good, it’s easy to talk about our core values, but it’s hard to do it. One of the most surprising places you can find them is in the past, and the practical meaning of this mysterious tip is to write a brief summary of your week at the end. In this summary, you should write not about events, but about feelings about certain values. Like a person who lied to a client at his workplace that made you feel embarrassed, a deep sense of satisfaction that you received from a whole day in the company of family and the like. After doing this for a while, you will begin to see a pattern in the values ​​you are writing down each week, making these the values ​​you hold dear. Of course, you can always invest time and thought in neutral self-analysis to find the values ​​that will help you move toward a happier future.

3. Redefine your strengths and weaknesses
It is important to know which areas of life will be difficult for us and which obstacles we should not really worry about, because true happiness is due, among other things, to people’s ability to prepare for challenges and not dismiss them, while enjoying themselves. A sense of security and ability to do other things. As in the previous section, here too, this is a constantly changing topic because throughout life we ​​constantly learn and change, as does our environment. However, it is important not to neglect this area when it comes to improving your life. Because when you trust the accuracy of your strengths and weaknesses, life is much more satisfying and less disappointing, and this is true at all ages and stages of life. https://www.todo-mail.com/content.aspx?emailid=15234

To evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, you have to do some simple things that require some perseverance. The first thing is to make a list of the topics you feel insecure about, the actions that are easy to take and those that are difficult for you. Depending on this list, you have to make certain decisions in life: in cases where you have the opportunity to take advantage of one of your strengths, try it, even if it means you need to go out of your routine. For example, if you are a person with a lot of knowledge about a particular sport, try writing about different events or games on different social networks and sites. On the other hand, if you feel that a task ahead requires skills that you classify as weaknesses, try to approach it without any expectations of yourself. The stress we experience when dealing with our weaknesses damages our functioning and makes us suffer for no reason. Instead of succumbing to the situation, explain to yourself and everyone involved that you are facing a challenge and accept that whatever you do is better than doing nothing. Keep in mind that facing these challenges will provide you with an experience that will improve your performance in the future.

4. Give meaning to your life
The results of many psychological studies have shown over the years that a meaningless life is often an unhappy life, and before you start underestimating this fact, remember that meaning does not have to be finding world peace, making a scientific advance or protect endangered animals. Despite the great importance of such aspirations, the meaning of your life can be something much more accessible. Meaning in life is something that can be characterized as your internal ability to define a general framework for your life, which is not necessarily directly related to the actions you take on a daily basis. To understand the intent, imagine a person who works as an accountant for the police: he is not a police officer and his actions do not directly promote public welfare, but they still contribute in one way or another. If you adopt this way of thinking, your work will be much more satisfying and your life will be happier. Like the accountant himself, you too can and should find ways to give meaning to your life.

Try to do something every day that matches the core values ​​you have established with the above tips, and also one that moves you or your environment toward an important goal or creates the same process of positive change that you would like to see in the world. At the same time, try to think positively and understand how your actions improve the world in one way or another. Perhaps you have taught your children the importance of helping others through a personal example. You may have responded to a provocative video on Facebook in a moderate way that promotes calm conversation, and you may have sat down to dinner with your entire family and had a pleasant conversation. All of these things have meaning and you need to know how to identify them and focus your life on meaningful actions related to things that make you happier.

5. Learn to prioritize self-care
Due to the pressures of the modern world and the changes that society has experienced in recent decades, most people sleep less, eat less healthy foods, exercise less, and neglect themselves in many different ways. You may be between 20 and 30 years old and therefore still cannot imagine the day when your body will no longer accept this treatment and, on the other hand, you may be 60 years old and accept your bad habits without the desire to change or believe in the fact that you can improve and take better care of yourself. Either way, it’s very important to make sure you take care of yourself both physically and mentally: try to exercise for a few minutes each morning, listen to music more often, pack your lunch instead of eating fast food, share your problems with others instead. Rather than being ashamed of them, try to live your life in general with the understanding that most people will not take the best care of you that you can do yourself.

When you do this, over time you will discover how improving your health and your mood brings you closer and helps you enjoy the true state of happiness described at the beginning of the article. Furthermore, it is very likely that this behavior will inspire your friends and family, and little by little your joy of life, your healthy habits and your self-love will spread to those around you. We would all like to see this and therefore, in conclusion, you should adopt these tips and all the others described not only to improve your life but also to make your entire environment happier.